
36. 极端的痛苦,像极端的欢乐一样不能经久,因为它过于猛烈。——维克多·雨果《巴黎圣母院》

2024-05-22 08:13 194 浏览

   36. The Agony of Extreme Pain: A Short Story

  In the city of Paris, there existed a beautiful cathedral named Notre-Dame de Paris. It was a symbol of hope and peace for the people, a place where many couples got married and where families gathered for their religious rituals. But one day, a terrible incident occurred that would change everything for the worse.

  It was during the early morning hours of a beautiful June day when a young couple, named Emile and Lucie, decided to get married in the grand cathedral. They had been in love for years and were finally ready to take the ultimate step in their relationship. The ceremony was about to begin when suddenly, the whole cathedral began to shake. People rushed to the doors, holding their hands up in fear.

  As the minutes passed, the vibrations grew stronger, and the sound of breaking glass could be heard throughout the building. The couple, Emile and Lucie, looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what was happening. They then heard a loud crash and a loud roar, as if something was falling apart.

  They quickly rushed to the window and saw a group of people outside, breaking everything they could get their hands on. They were throwing stones, breaking windows, and causing chaos. Emile and Lucie knew they had to get out of there, but they couldn't just run away. They were trapped in the building, with the暴力的 mob outside.

  As the minutes ticked by, the situation grew more and more dire. The couple tried to calm each other down, but the sounds of the mob outside were too loud and too intense. They could hear people screaming, breaking furniture, and the sound of objects falling on the floor. It was like a war, and they were the only ones left in the middle.

  Finally, the situation came to a head when the building began to collapse around them. Emile and Lucie knew they had to make it out, but they were too afraid to try. They huddled together, holding on for dear life as the around them fell apart.

  In the end, Emile and Lucie managed to escape the wreckage, but not before experiencing the most extreme pain they had ever known. They were physically and emotionally scarred, but they knew they had to move on. They vowed to each other that they would never forget the terror they had witnessed and that they would always be ready for anything that life threw their way.
